
Thursday 24 November 2011

Slow Leak

The other day I was stuck in traffic when the driver behind me started honking and honking and honking! I looked behind and the guy started screaming something so I opened my window and the man said: ''Excuse me! You have a flat tire!'' Oh no... It did noticed that the road seemed particularly bumpy that day... (In my defense it was really early and I was half asleep). So I had to stop at every gas station on my way to work to put  air in my tire and did the same thing on my way home. I made an appointment to get my tire fixed  and decided to kill two birds with one stone and get my winter tires installed at the same time (were I live, it snows six months of the year so we are obligated to have winter tires  by December 15th). So as I was driving back home from the garage and it started snowing like hell! First snowstorm of the year! But no worries, because of the slow leak on my tire, my car was now full equipped to brave the storm! Funny how sometimes unfortunate events can be a positive thing for you in the end!

Nina xx

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