
Sunday 4 December 2011

Being single at Christmas

Today I was listening to a radio show and they talked about what it meant to be single at our time. That it was more acceptable now than fifty years ago, and for most people, being single was a choice. Then they talked about singles meet ups and the host said : '' So all you single people out there! Hurry up  because the Holidays are coming and you don't want to be alone so it's the perfect way to find a date to your Christmas parties!'' And it kinda bothered me... Why should I want to bring some guy I barley know to Christmas with  my family? Why do we have to feel pressured to be with someone on the Holidays?  When I tell people that on Christmas day, I stay alone in my pyjamas, watch Christmas movies all day long while baking cookies and eating them afterward, they find it strange that I want to be alone that day. I've always been single on Christmas day and I see my family on the 24th (Don't ask me why, but my relationships always end near Christmas time). My friends  have parties with their family or their boyfriend/girlfriend's family. So over the years it became a tradition for me to stay home and do absolutely nothing productive! So if you're single around this time of the year, no worries! Enjoy the freedom and your new gifts yeah!

Nina xx

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