
Sunday 13 November 2011

Picture Perfect

I'm the kind of person who takes more time thinking about doing something than actually doing it and it drives me nuts! As an exemple, I've joined Blogger in december 2010 with the intention of starting my very own blog. I tried to think of the perfect first post, even did some research on how to write a good first post! (I research alot...), Changed my background about a hundred times, etc,etc... This is my first official post (november 13th 2011)...When I was younger, I thought life would be easy because I had all planned out. Finish highschool, go to college, fall in love with the men of my dreams, find a job that I would love to do, have my first baby by the time I turn 23 or 24. I just turned 25, I'm single, I have a job that I don't particularly like, I live alone and I have no kids! I  realized that I can plan how much I want but there are things in life that can not be planned. Life isn't perfect and once you get that, I think it's very liberating! For so many years I've tried to be the perfect girlfriend, the perfect student, the perfect friend, the perfect employee, bla bla bla... You get the picture. Gosh, I even tried to be the perfect ex girlfriend! (I'll soon post something on that subject!) Maybe it's because I got older, or maybe I just had enough of deceptions but I've decided to live my life as it goes, stop stressing out and just be! So I say welcome to my new chaotic life!

Nina xx

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