
About me!

I am a clumsy artist and your typical nerdy friend who is awkward in social events. This blog is about bits and pieces of my chaotic life, projects I'm working on, reviews and pretty much whatever I feel like sharing! PS: I'm french Canadian and english is my second language so don't mind my writing.

· I’m a DIYer.
· I’m obsessed with sharks but it’s mainly because they terrify me.
· I speak French.
· I cannot use escalators properly.  I always seem to put my feet in the wrong place or lose my balance. I hear it’s quite a show watching me get on one of these things…
· I love video games.
· I could only eat bocconcini for the rest of my life, that’s how much I love it!
· Favorite quote :  " Book lovers never go to bed alone"
· I change my mind a lot.
· For four years now, my most played song on my Itunes is The Widow by The Mars Volta only because I fell asleep on that song on repeat for two weeks while I was on vacation and but I never listened to it since.

 Nina xx