
Saturday 24 December 2011

DIY :Doily wedge shoes

I came across this tutorial on a DIY project and loved this idea! It shows you how to make doily wedge shoes and I just had to share! (Doily wedge shoes tutorial)

Nina xx

Book Club: Catching Fire

****Spoiler alert for the first book of the Hunger Games series! ****
I've just started the second novel in the Hunger Games trilogy, Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. I  loved the first book so much and simply had to read the second one. I'm in love with these characters and can't wait to see what happens next! In this sequel, we fallow Katniss and Peeta touring in the other eleven districts. President Snow doesn't believe that Katniss and Peeta are really in love and is afraid that Katniss's actions in the hunger games might generate an uprising. She showed that it was possible to change the rules and in order to stay alive and to save the lives of the people she loves, the president makes it clear to Katniss that she better convince everybody, including him, that they are truly in love and that it wasn't just a strategy for them to both survive the hunger games. That is pretty much what I've read so far and I hear that the sequel is really good, if not better than the first book.

Nina xx

Friday 23 December 2011

Book Review: The Hunger Games

Welcome to my first book review! I've just finished The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, yeah! I  heard so many good things about it and was expecting so much from it that I was a little disappointed at first... It started slow, but when the lottery happened and Katniss left for the hunger games, it started to get really interesting and truth is, I got hooked just like everyone else! I couldn't wait to take the bus to read more (I only have time to read on the bus lately)... I kept wondering if the characters were who they seemed to be or if it was just part of their game strategy, you never knew what was coming next and honestly, I didn't want the book to end. The story was very original, you never knew what was coming and you always wondered what was next for the characters. Plus, there’s just enough romance to please the hopeless romantic in me, but not enough to make it a love story. Overall, I loved this book and I give it a 4.5/5 (only because in my eyes, perfection doesn't exist).

                                                                        Nina xx

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Little Update

So lately I'm spending more time at work than at home... I only have time to read on the bus and have no time to play my video games. I also was part of a small art exposition so it took a lot of my free time but it was so worth it! Now, where I live, it's winter and I don't know about you, but winter drains every bit of energy I have. Don't you wish you could stay at home in PJ's with a hot beverage until summer comes again?
I do, but can't ! There is lots to do before Christmas! My brother wants a 5x3 feet painting for his bedroom and I still have to make a chunky knit scarf for my mom. I found out a great tutorial on how to make a scarf with a loom circle using an original stitch (The Faux Lattice Stitch ). I'll try to post pictures when I'm done with it! Hope you all have a good week!

Nina xx

Sunday 4 December 2011

Gaming: Gears of war 3

I love, love, love playing video games. I am currently playing Gears of War 3. I'm 22% through this game and so far I'm loving it! Never played the other games of the series though, so I don't know the hole story... But still, loving it! Let Me know if you've played this game before or what game you're playing right now!

Nina xx

Book club: The Hunger Games

I am a book worm! So I thought I could share my readings with you! In a few days I'll be reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. At first I wasn't sure it was a good book for me but when I was at the store , the book in hand, a few people stopped me to say I wouldn't regret buying this book because it was one of their favorite reads of all time.. So I figured why not? And bought the whole series! So if anyone read it, please let me know if you liked it!

Nina xx

Being single at Christmas

Today I was listening to a radio show and they talked about what it meant to be single at our time. That it was more acceptable now than fifty years ago, and for most people, being single was a choice. Then they talked about singles meet ups and the host said : '' So all you single people out there! Hurry up  because the Holidays are coming and you don't want to be alone so it's the perfect way to find a date to your Christmas parties!'' And it kinda bothered me... Why should I want to bring some guy I barley know to Christmas with  my family? Why do we have to feel pressured to be with someone on the Holidays?  When I tell people that on Christmas day, I stay alone in my pyjamas, watch Christmas movies all day long while baking cookies and eating them afterward, they find it strange that I want to be alone that day. I've always been single on Christmas day and I see my family on the 24th (Don't ask me why, but my relationships always end near Christmas time). My friends  have parties with their family or their boyfriend/girlfriend's family. So over the years it became a tradition for me to stay home and do absolutely nothing productive! So if you're single around this time of the year, no worries! Enjoy the freedom and your new gifts yeah!

Nina xx

Thursday 24 November 2011

Slow Leak

The other day I was stuck in traffic when the driver behind me started honking and honking and honking! I looked behind and the guy started screaming something so I opened my window and the man said: ''Excuse me! You have a flat tire!'' Oh no... It did noticed that the road seemed particularly bumpy that day... (In my defense it was really early and I was half asleep). So I had to stop at every gas station on my way to work to put  air in my tire and did the same thing on my way home. I made an appointment to get my tire fixed  and decided to kill two birds with one stone and get my winter tires installed at the same time (were I live, it snows six months of the year so we are obligated to have winter tires  by December 15th). So as I was driving back home from the garage and it started snowing like hell! First snowstorm of the year! But no worries, because of the slow leak on my tire, my car was now full equipped to brave the storm! Funny how sometimes unfortunate events can be a positive thing for you in the end!

Nina xx

Sunday 13 November 2011

Picture Perfect

I'm the kind of person who takes more time thinking about doing something than actually doing it and it drives me nuts! As an exemple, I've joined Blogger in december 2010 with the intention of starting my very own blog. I tried to think of the perfect first post, even did some research on how to write a good first post! (I research alot...), Changed my background about a hundred times, etc,etc... This is my first official post (november 13th 2011)...When I was younger, I thought life would be easy because I had all planned out. Finish highschool, go to college, fall in love with the men of my dreams, find a job that I would love to do, have my first baby by the time I turn 23 or 24. I just turned 25, I'm single, I have a job that I don't particularly like, I live alone and I have no kids! I  realized that I can plan how much I want but there are things in life that can not be planned. Life isn't perfect and once you get that, I think it's very liberating! For so many years I've tried to be the perfect girlfriend, the perfect student, the perfect friend, the perfect employee, bla bla bla... You get the picture. Gosh, I even tried to be the perfect ex girlfriend! (I'll soon post something on that subject!) Maybe it's because I got older, or maybe I just had enough of deceptions but I've decided to live my life as it goes, stop stressing out and just be! So I say welcome to my new chaotic life!

Nina xx